Okahara and Associates, Inc.

Striving for Excellence Since 1979

Striving for Excellence Since 1979

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Our Awards and Accomplishments


Best Places to Work in Hawaii  - Small Employer Category


Best Places to Work in Hawaii  - From the Neighbor Islands and Small Employer Category

Engineering Excellence Award  - (ACECH) American Council of Engineering Companies of Hawaii

Project: Waiahole Potable Water Systems Emergency Repairs

Engineering Excellence People's Choice Award  - (ACECH) American Council of Engineering Companies of Hawaii

Project: Waiahole Potable Water Systems Emergency Repairs



Best Places to Work in Hawaii  - Small Employer Category

Engineering Excellence Honor Award  - (ACECH) American Council of Engineering Companies of Hawaii

Project: Hawaii Air National Guard Army Aviation Support Facility Building 30 Chinook and Ground Vehicle Wash Rack

Honor Award - (ACECH) American Council of Engineering Companies of Hawaii

Project: Awa Street Wastewater Pump Station Force Main and Sewer System Improvements, Waiakamilo Road Trunk Sewer

Best Humanitarian Project  - (ASCE) American Society of Civil Engineers, Hawaii Section

Project: Waiahole Potable Water Systems Emergency Repairs


Best Large Project - (ASCE) American Society of Civil Engineers, Hawaii Section

Project: Awa Street Wastewater Pump Station Force Main and Sewer System Improvements

Best Places to Work in Hawaii  - Small Employer Category


Best Places to Work in Hawaii  - Small Employer Category


Best Places to Work in Hawaii  - Small Employer Category


Best Places to Work in Hawaii  - Small Employer Category


Best Places to Work in Hawaii - Small Employer Category


Best Places to Work in Hawaii  - Small Employer Category


Best Places to Work in Hawaii  - Small Employer Category


Best Places to Work in Hawaii - Small Employer Category


Engineering Excellence Honor Award  – (ACECH) American Council of Engineering Companies of Hawaii

Project: Saddle Road HI A-AD/STP 6(3) & 200 (1)

Excellence in Highway Design Honorable Mention – U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration

Project: Saddle Road, State Route 200


Outstanding Civil Engineering Award  - (ASCE) American Society of Civil Engineers

Project: Saddle Road HI A-AD/STP 6(3) & 200 (1)


State Highways Division, Department of Transportation Project of the Year

Project: Kea’au-Pahoa Bypass Road


Richard Smart Big Island Community Achievement Award  - Distinguished Business Award for Environmental Protection

Project: Saddle Road Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)


Hawai‘i Chapter Project of the Year - (APWA) American Public Works Association

Project: Kea’au II Elementary School – First Increment

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What Community Achievement Means to Us

Awards are encouraging, however, one of the most important community achievements for us is knowing that our sustainable work benefits our friends and neighbors throughout Hawaii.

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We're Excited to Work With You

An additional positive outcome from these awards would be the opportunity to collaborate closely on a project within your community. Contact us today to discuss your upcoming projects!

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Do not wait to contact us regarding your project!

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