Best Places to Work in Hawaii - Small Employer Category
Best Places to Work in Hawaii
- From the Neighbor Islands and Small Employer Category
Engineering Excellence Award - (ACECH) American Council of Engineering Companies of Hawaii
Project: Waiahole Potable Water Systems Emergency Repairs
Engineering Excellence People's Choice Award - (ACECH) American Council of Engineering Companies of Hawaii
Project: Waiahole Potable Water Systems Emergency Repairs
Best Places to Work in Hawaii - Small Employer Category
Engineering Excellence Honor Award - (ACECH) American Council of Engineering Companies of Hawaii
Project: Hawaii Air National Guard Army Aviation Support Facility Building 30 Chinook and Ground Vehicle Wash Rack
Honor Award - (ACECH) American Council of Engineering Companies of Hawaii
Project: Awa Street Wastewater Pump Station Force Main and Sewer System Improvements, Waiakamilo Road Trunk Sewer
Best Humanitarian Project - (ASCE) American Society of Civil Engineers, Hawaii Section
Project: Waiahole Potable Water Systems Emergency Repairs
Best Large Project - (ASCE) American Society of Civil Engineers, Hawaii Section
Project: Awa Street Wastewater Pump Station Force Main and Sewer System Improvements
Best Places to Work in Hawaii - Small Employer Category
Best Places to Work in Hawaii - Small Employer Category
Best Places to Work in Hawaii - Small Employer Category
Best Places to Work in Hawaii - Small Employer Category
Best Places to Work in Hawaii - Small Employer Category
Best Places to Work in Hawaii - Small Employer Category
Best Places to Work in Hawaii - Small Employer Category
Best Places to Work in Hawaii - Small Employer Category
Engineering Excellence Honor Award – (ACECH) American Council of Engineering Companies of Hawaii
Project: Saddle Road HI A-AD/STP 6(3) & 200 (1)
Excellence in Highway Design Honorable Mention – U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration
Project: Saddle Road, State Route 200
Outstanding Civil Engineering Award - (ASCE) American Society of Civil Engineers
Project: Saddle Road HI A-AD/STP 6(3) & 200 (1)
State Highways Division, Department of Transportation Project of the Year
Project: Kea’au-Pahoa Bypass Road
Richard Smart Big Island Community Achievement Award - Distinguished Business Award for Environmental Protection
Project: Saddle Road Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
Hawai‘i Chapter Project of the Year - (APWA) American Public Works Association
Project: Kea’au II Elementary School – First Increment
Awards are encouraging, however, one of the most important community achievements for us is knowing that our sustainable work benefits our friends and neighbors throughout Hawaii.